#आओ_प्रकृति_की_ओर_लौटें रासायनिक उर्वरको व रासायनो से जमीन के अन्दर रहने वाले सूक्ष्म जीव समाप्त, कीटनाशकों से खेतों पर मंडराने वाले लाभदायक मित्र कीट समाप्त, खरपतवार नाशकों से वानस्पतिक जैवविविधता समाप्त । सभी जीवों को मारकर जो अन्न पैदा किया जा रहा है, उसको खाकर मनुष्य आखिर कब तक स्वस्थ (जीवित) रहेगा ? देर-सबेर प्रकृति की ओर लौटना ही होगा । कहीं देर न हो जाये । आओ प्राकृतिक खेती करें और अन्य को प्रेरित करें.


Interactions with Other Departments of Agriculture


Training program for extension personnel related to ATMA

State department of Agriculture

State Horticulture Department




Coordinator, Sesame and Niger (ICAR), JNKVV, Jabalpur

State Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur

TFRI, Jabalpur

Regional Organic farming Centre, Adhartal, Jabalpur (GOI)

With Agriculture Deptt In Various Programme








Nature of linkage

Technical guidance with respect to identification of AES, survey and PRA, preparation of SREP and Block action plan

Diffusion of technologies through field staff and take feedback from the villages

Diffusion of technologies, feedback regarding problems and need of the farmers in the area

Backstopping of field staff and technical personnels

Funds for dissemination of newly developed technologies

Joint efforts for control of obnoxious weeds viz., parthenium and their management in different weeds

Joint varietal demonstrations of sesame and niger for low productive rainfed areas

Inter changing of ideas, technologies

Ensure the supply of planting material for the users

Popularization of improved forest planting material, conduction of demonstrations of various agroforestry system at farmers' field; technological improvement and popularization of different agroforestry modules

Support in execution of organic farming system at the farmers field by providing funds through GoMP.